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Well, firstly: http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/NewPortAs for the rest, you should probably figure out which of those files are loaded as the OS, or if the OS itself is in flash or ROM. If one of those files is the OS, do some research to find out if you can still get into the player if those files become corrupt. If this is also true, then working on Rockbox because a much safer prospect.That being said, you wouldn't be "rebuild" anything. Rockbox is a full replacement for most or all functions of an MP3 player. If you can figure out how to compile it for the right architecture, create drivers for the hardware that doesn't have drivers in our repository, and get it to load the code, you're done. See, simple, no? Alright, in all honesty, it's not an easy job, but if the firmware is loaded from disk, it's a bit less difficult simply because experimenting is usually safer. *Usually*
Basically, yes.
By the way, the Lyra player seems to have a "preloader" and from this preloader it's lauch the actual MP3 player software. On the player HDD, a directory is called "lyra_sys" which contains a couple of executable files. And I guess that the ONLY file that I will need to "rebuild" with ROCKbox is the one called "mp3.exe".Do you think I'm in "danger" of renaming or changing that file only. From what I know about hardware (PC, routers, FW, switches, etc...). Most equipment have their "preloader/bootloader" and I don't need to mess with anything else than the application that is actually processing audio files.
do some research to find out if you can still get into the player if those files become corrupt. If this is also true, then working on Rockbox because a much safer prospect.
Allow me to point out that we already know what CPU this Lyra player uses:http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/TexasInstrumentsTMS320#DM270This is good because its a known ARM7 CPU core.This is bad because we lack docs and I don't think there's any free compiler for the DSP parts...
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