Hello, I'm a newcomer on this forum, and I wanted to buy a Sansa Fuze and put Rockbox on it. I tried the simulator to see how Rockbox looked like.
When I try the Sansa Fuze Simulator, I can hear the sound crackling. This doesn't occur with the Clip+ and the Clip Zip simulators.
Does the sound crackle with a real Sansa Fuze? Can anyone who owns a Sansa Fuze tell me if the sound crackles with it or not?
I tried the simulator with tho files: the first was MP3 128kbps stereo 44100Hz, encoding "lossy". The second was the same excepted 135kbps.
And I tried to copy in the simulator folder the MP3 codec used by the Sansa Clip+ simulator, it doesn't fix that.
So, is there a Sansa Fuze+Rockbox owner to tell me how it is in real?