Hello all,
First off I know nothing of developing for RockBox. I own a pair of Etymotic ER4-P's, which I am using with an 8Gb Sansa Clip Zip. I was thinking the other day...with my headphones (Picture here:
http://www.google.co.uk/imgres?q=er4p+frequency+response&um=1&hl=en&sa=N&rlz=1C1GPCK_enGB472&qscrl=1&tbm=isch&tbnid=1dg7hLoz0r6H0M:&imgrefurl=http://inearheadphones.productwiki.com/etymotic-er4p/&docid=P9PZVrS0OiVpFM&imgurl=http://www.productwiki.com/upload/images/etymotic_er4_phones.jpg&w=480&h=480&ei=AplDT-bZFaWg0QXx-qGPDw&zoom=1&biw=830&bih=904) the passive noise attenuation is extremely good, however the headphones are difficult to remove and reinsert regularly (At least for me, everyone's ears are different!).
I discovered that I can use the recording plug in to monitor what's going on around me...useful for crossing roads, random encounters, paying for things in a shop etc.
Is there a way a shortcut can be added to the context menu of the Now Playing Screen? I don't actually need to record from here, just monitor what's received by the microphone? I would be willing to at least look into how difficult this would be to code for my self, if no one more experienced has any solutions/wishes to be nice enough to create one for me! I wouldn't know where to begin though...but I guess you learn through experience!
Cheers guys in advance,
Amar Sandhu
(A similar product exists by a company called Shure which just adds a powered in line microphone, however if RockBox can do the same thing, then why not!)