I originally posted this in the Fuze+ development thread, but the primary developer doesn't think it's related to the Fuze+ code.
I've been using daily builds (no release build for Fuze+ anyway) and the button presses (e.g., when navigating menus or in the WPS) do not work as expected once the backlight turns off. Here's what I've determined so far with some quick testing:
With "First Buttonpress Enables Backlight Only" set to no and the backlight currently off (keyclick set to "weak" and no repeat, all other settings at default options):
Menus -
tapping right acts as if I'm holding on the center
tapping left, up, down, or back acts as if I tapped the respective spot twice (goes up/down/back two menu items)
tapping right or left acts as if I pressed and held to start to skip through the track (two audible clicks and the Play icon changes to the FFWD or Rewind icon temporarily)
tapping play/pause while music is playing will pause the music and go back one screen
tapping play/pause while music is paused will simply go back one screen
With "First Buttonpress Enables Backlight Only" set to yes and the backlight currently off (keyclick set to weak and no repeat, all other settings at default options):
Menus -
tapping right acts as expected (turns backlight on)
tapping left, up, down, or back acts as if I tapped the respective spot once (goes up/down/back one menu item)
tapping right or left acts as if I pressed and held to start to skip through the track (one audible click and the Play icon changes to the FFWD or Rewind icon temporarily)
tapping play/pause while music is playing will pause the music and go back one screen
tapping play/pause while music is paused will simply go back one screen
All button functionality works as expected as long as the backlight is on, so there's some problem with how the button pressing is handled with the backlight is off. I am just curious if people are experiencing this on devices other than the Fuze+ so I know where to post the bug. I am currently on build d2f97da-120216.