Support and General Use > Recording

Direct recording to MMC1

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Is there any way to make all recordings go directly to the MMC with out using the current dir and browsing to the MMC and then going to the record screen. I would like to be able to have the recording screen come up on start up and I know how to do that, and record directly to the memory card.


is very very important for me this option!!!! thanks

If the Rockbox firmware designates the 128 MB embedded memory as the default destination for recordings, then allowing the user to specify where to record (MMC or embedded) is a good idea.

Let's say, for instance, that you're recording to the 128 MB embedded memory and you run out of free space while recording.

I'd say that's a huge problem.

 ;D You can do it with the current Rockbox build:

Browse to the directory you want to record into  (eg to <MMC1>), then hit the menu button.
Go to the "Recording" menu
Go to the "Recording Settings" menu
Go to the "Directory" menu
Hit the up/down buttons to change to "Current dir"
Righ click to OK your change.

That's it.  When you record, it goes to <MMC1> if thats what you selected.



--- Quote from: screenclene on April 10, 2006, 04:00:35 AM --- ;D You can do it with the current Rockbox build:

Browse to the directory you want to record into  (eg to <MMC1>), then hit the menu button.
Go to the "Recording" menu
Go to the "Recording Settings" menu
Go to the "Directory" menu
Hit the up/down buttons to change to "Current dir"
Righ click to OK your change.

That's it.  When you record, it goes to <MMC1> if thats what you selected.


--- End quote ---
This is kind of what I'm doing now. I would like to start in the record screen and not have to do any browsing.


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