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Rockbox manual> Repeat mode set to A-B> set Start Point (A) press "."> set End Point (B) press "."> reset the markers press "."
> set End Point (B) press "Power + Right" (shift power button left while pressing screen right)> reset the markers press "Power + Play" (shift power button left while pressing screen center OR menu button)> Repeat mode set to A-B
Unfortunately the manual doesn't say which buttons to use. Either the manual is out of date, or the key map for the D2 actually doesn't define what buttons to use.
Manual has never been up to date but usually it doesn't matter since we always find out or get hints from others, except this time ?
Also... my post keeps disappearing from the forum and when I get it on screen (though my profile !) I have a silly warning on top saying the topic has not been posted for at least 120 days (though I started it in january). I have posted to Moderators= "Rockbox" but got no answer. Anyone has a clue ?
I just checked the keymap and there is no AB repeat button.
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