Thanks for the help trying to figure this out. So to continue. I do have Lockbox installed on my Tarkan Modded 5.5 by going to a friends house that has a PC. My Mac even recognizes it but it won't let me copy anything over to it as I get the Error 36 message, which I have never got before. I I have tried the terminal thing such as dot_clean and space but no luck. I download most of my things in AIFF from Bandcamp. Most of the time my other Tarkan Modded iPod that is a 5.5 also will not recognize the AIFF files or anything other than what is ripped straight from a CD. Sometimes it does but never found out the reason why. That is why I was hoping that the Rockbox modded one I know have would be so great to drag and drop. I know that someone said on a different thread that Rockbox + Tarkan Mods + a Mac computer does not work the best. I am hoping that someone has figured out a workaround or solution I have not seen. I have looked all over the place. If I missed it here somewhere on the Forum then I am truly sorry. Any help would be appreciated.