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Builds have resumed!Is it possible to have 2550x1600 and 1600x2550 builds added to the selection? (New Galaxy Tab S)
Rather than hanging off the assumption … third party builds … hoping a new resolution will be added … it might pay to have a look at learning to build Rockbox from source.It really is trivial to set up, and we can walk you through it, should you desire.[Saint]
It is worth noting that the user interface in the fallback theme on touch devices does indeed have functional media control, it is just that the touch screen is split into a 3x3 grid mode (as opposed to absolute point) and there are no obvious points of reference.[Saint]
Once upon a time, not so long ago, Rockbox on Android had the ability to load a binary with a target resolution smaller than that of the intended host. This is no longer the case. The binary must be compiled for _exactly_ the same resolution as the host framebuffer. Prior to this, it was possible to load a binary for a target with a smaller resolution than the host framebuffer and have a somewhat usable UI.[Saint]
Perhaps I should not have put all my text items in the default viewport? Could that cause this? The only declared viewports my wps has are for the buttons …
I am wondering if anyone can help me out. I am trying to figure out how to set bookmarks and for the life of me I can't figure anything out.
I've hobbled together a custom WPS that works on Rasher's build.
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