I too have the same problem and am totally frustrated.
I formatted the MEG-F40 (bought in US) with HP USB Disk Storage Format Tool 2.2.3 (
http://www.softpedia.com/get/System/Hard-Disk-Utils/HP-USB-Disk-Storage-Format-Tool.shtml) as FAT32. (Wasn't aware of the consequences) :'(
Then tried to use the Firmware 3.0 from here (
http://www.csd.toshiba.com/cgi-bin/tais/support/jsp/modelContent.jsp?ct=DL&os=&category=&moid=2288415&rpn=undefined&modelFilter=MEG-F40&selCategory=666409&selFamily=727858). (I am not sure if this is the Japanese version or US version).
Followed the instructions exactly as mentioned in the Gigabeat Room manual.

It still showed "NO SYSTEM FOUND IN HDD".
Then followed the steps exactly to format the Gigabeat using Gigabeat Room.

It still showed "NO SYSTEM FOUND IN HDD".
Then tried again to install Firmware 3.0.
It still showed "NO SYSTEM FOUND IN HDD".
Then tried to install Rockbox using the Rockbox Utility.
It still showed "NO SYSTEM FOUND IN HDD".
Then followed the Gigabeat Recovery Procedure exactly as mentioned here (
It still shows "NO SYSTEM FOUND IN HDD".
The Gigabeat always shows up in "My Computer" and Windows Explorer. I can copy & paste files & folders to it. But this thing never boots up. :'(
Post Merge: February 16, 2011, 01:59:21 AM
Problem solved

. It's such a relief.
Steps:1. Connected the Gigabeat in switched off state directly to the computer using USB (not via dock).
2. Switched on the Gigabeat. Gigabeat drive showed up in My Computer or Windows Explorer.
3. Used Fat32 Format to format the Gigabeat. Selected the Gigabeat drive. Kept "Allocation unit size" to its default value. Typed "GIGABEAT" (without quotes) under "Volume label". Put a tick under "Quick Format". Clicked "Start" button. Fat32 Format was obtained using this link (
4. Unzipped the dummy GBSYSTEM files into the root of Gigabeat. Files were obtained from this link (
5. Copied & pasted the FWIMG01.DAT into the FWIMG folder in Gigabeat. The path to FWIMG folder is F:\GBSYSTEM\FWIMG (where F: drive is the Gigabeat drive). FWIMG01.DAT was obtained from this link (
6. Unzipped Rockbox files into the root of Gigabeat. Rockbox files were obtained using this link (
7. Closed all open Gigabeat folders.
8. Ejected Gigabeat using "Safely Remove Hardware" from the Windows taskbar.
Just by ejecting the Gigabeat, it restarted automatically into Rockbox. Didn't require to switch it off & on or switch off the battery switch.

To be on safe side I switched off the Gigabeat. Switch off the battery switch. Switched on the battery switch. Switch on the Gigabeat.
Its been running in its full glory since.