I have a similar problem We installed the Rockbox utility in my brothers computer but I need to update the files in my own computer. How do I go around this subject? I looked in the manual and can't seem to find a solutio. I connect the Fuze to my computer and it will charge but it is not detected as a drive or anything. Please help. 
Okay, this isn't quite clear. Let me see if I understand, and if what say is
wrong, please tell me
explicitly what I should be doing.
From what I can see, Rockbox is a firmware that
does not interact with the operating system. It interacts with the player, nothing more. I say this because, after two complete attempts at installation (which does install, and can play music on my player), I see that as soon as Rockbox is on my player (Sansa Fuze V2) any attempts of connecting to the host computer while Rockbox is playing fails to read the player in the host OS. However, when I turn-off the player, then plug into USB on the host, and then turn on my player (which forces the Sansa default firmware), the player is seen again.
I'm a little lost, folks. Be gentle, please ...