Support and General Use > Hardware
Sansa Fuze+
I'm still working on the Fuze+ firmware. Since I had a little disk problem I had to restart everything from scratch so I lost quite a bit of time. I will thus stick with my current firmware revision because it shouldn't change anything for the hardware and I would have to restart from scratch again.
For those who are interested, I'm still working on the disassembly of the OF. There is still lot of work to be done but I now have a good knowledge of the threading/interrupt code. And I hope to be able to get gather some hardware information soon.
I already found pretty much everything which is LCD related but the OF has a number of init paths for it and I don't really know which one is selected for now.
As a side note, I also have found some code for the debug uart, so it's well possible that there are some uart pins somewhere on the board.
Does anyone have information regarding JTAG and sansa fuze+?
Many thanks!
I personally don't have any information about it. But I'm in the process of (finally !) buying a Fuze+. I hope I'll be able to start a new port based on the disassembly I've done (and not finished). However, the OF seems to have support for ETM (by configuring some ports for it when something goes bad) so perhaps there are some debugging pins somewhere on the PCB.
Is there a quick way I could test this ?
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