hello all,
my first post, to tell you that I created an installer/manager for the rockbox firmware, for the mac
It is meant to be used with the ONDIO recorder (since I don't have access to any other devices, but it probably can be used for other devices (at least the install part)).
I created it because I wanted to have a simple installer (because of the .rockbox folder, etc) and especially because I wanted to contribute to this excelent project!
the manager allows you to:
• Install the firmware (from the .zip file)
• Allows you to open the .rockbox folder (which is invisible), and see/edit the contents in a finder window
• Change the .rockbox folder visibility (to allow you to use it in the finder)
• Uninstall/delete either the firmware or the .rockbox folder (or both)
you can download it here:
Rockbox Manager 1.0Note that this only works in OS X 10.3
It's free and you can use it with joy :-)
Please let me know of your thoughts...