So on the left hand side in the images below is the a15 (911)
And on the right is the a25 (084)
Could someone please explain to me the likely reasons I am seeing different values?
If it is too impolite to explain for nada like reasons, please pm me instead
I don't have it with me at present but, I have an old mac 6/7 series iPod classic (the one with out ~ a camera)
Trouble with it if I recall correctly, one of the bufflib allocs would cause an s3 suspend sleep hibernation like state where the jog wheel wouldn't wake it up
Had to plug it in to recharge and wait for it to wake up
So you could call this my narcolepsymacipod
Has anyone ever had the same issue? Looking if there might be some patch I could apply (if it still happens when I get round to pulling it out of storage) in a cvgalaxy farvfar away (terrible joke) so it might be a while before I see it again,
FYI it had been moded (not by myself) so it had a SSSD harddrive inside