Support and General Use > Theming and Appearance Customization

BoxAmp Theme Discussion [H300, Fuze, iPod Color/Photo]

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GooD Ol TarviS:
Theme back up!!

Hi, this is a theme based on Winamp Classic. While it attempts to retain the look, all graphics have been created from scratch (to avoid possible copyright issues)

Recently I have updated it to solve a few issues:
-Updated to new wps code grammar
-.SBS added
-Russian character support in WPS
-Theme flipped out when changing songs (displayed images in strange orders until songs were fully loaded)
-Added a simple volume bar for .SBS use (such as the radio screen)

-Non-English tag support
    -Changing some text in images into viewports, so they can be translated properly
-FM Radio screen
-Spruce up the Playlist screen
-Perhaps, some form of charging indicator for the battery

I am still deciding on what the layout of the FM radio screen should be. If you have any ideas or opinions, go ahead and post them.

The theme was tailored for a specific font, and things will look plain wrong if the font is not present. The font is 12-Fixed-SemiCond.fnt.

Note: requires anything newer than Build r26727 (3.6 is not good enough anymore!!)

If you would like to port the theme to another resolution, be my guest. I will warn you that it is a considerable undertaking, as nearly every graphic will need to be re-made. If you need help on understanding how certain things work, go ahead and ask.
making this harder is the fact that I lost the .psd file for this theme...

Nice. If you are going for the winamp look why not put a playlist in (either the sbs, or when no AA is shown)... have a look at the %Vp tag

GooD Ol TarviS:
Will do. I think I'll go for the .sbs, since there isn't very much room for one in the WPS. Perhaps there might be if this were on a target with a larger screen.

if you do put it in the sbs make sure you use conditional ui viewport (%VI(label) ) so it isnt wasteing space when no music is playing

GooD Ol TarviS:
Right now the theme is missing, because I need to update it to the new format. Standby while I do so...


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