I got this at some site,
The sdk appears to be version 2.510-RC2
It contains a datasheet for the smtp35xx chips and example code for
controlling the lcd and leds, reading and writing to the filesystem, accessing the fm tuner
and else (folders named sdramtest, lradtest, qetest containing c source and header files and .asm files)
There is also a directory named bin with executable files, probably something to do with the resource.bin file.
Inside the docs/external/utils directory are some sigmatel documents:
One titled "Syntax to generate source files" and another document describing some of the utilities in the bin folder of the sdk, here follows an excerpt of that document (smtpsoftwaredevelopmentutils.doc) :
This section briefly describes each of the utilities covered in this document.
• BuildRes
The BuildRes utility is used to convert bitmap (*.bmp) files into source (*.src) files of the format required by the resource linker program. The BuildRes utility is also capable of converting string (*.txt) files into source files for the linker.
• ExtractCluster
The ExtractCluster utility is used to take the named clusters in the Tasking output (*.abs) files and format them into source (*.src) files of the format required by the resource linker program.
• RscLink
The RscLink utility is used to process re-locatable source files (*.src) produced manually and/or by the make resource utilities (BuildRes.exe, ExtractCluster.exe) and then generate a binary resource file (resource.bin) which can be loaded directly into the memory device (i.e. SmartMedia) and then processed by the STMP3400 application. This utility uses the resource.inc file to determine which source (*.src) files to process.
• ResParse
The ResParse utility is used to check the contents of the binary file (resource.bin) created by the resource linker program. The ResParse utility is a Pass/Fail type program used to make sure the binary file was created properly.
-------------------------------EXCERPT ENDS--------------------------------------------------
Altrough the sdk appears to be incomplete i hope it is still of some use for you.