Rockbox Ports are now being developed for various digital audio players!
Try installing a stable (release) version.
# .cfg file created by rockbox 060829-1931 - wps / rwps / language / font / fmpreset / backdrop #wps: /.rockbox/wps/MU4L.wpsfont: /.rockbox/fonts/nimbus-14.fntvolume: -30balance: 0bass: 8treble: 6channels: stereo# (possible values: stereo,mono,custom,mono left,mono right,karaoke)stereo width: 100resume: offshuffle: offrepeat: off# (possible values: off,all,one,shuffle,ab)backlight timeout: 5# (possible values: off,on,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,15,20,25,30,45,60,90)backlight timeout plugged: 10# (possible values: off,on,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,15,20,25,30,45,60,90)invert: offflip display: offinvert cursor: offstatusbar: onscrollbar: onvolume display: graphic# (possible values: graphic,numeric)battery display: numeric# (possible values: graphic,numeric)time format: 24hour# (possible values: 24hour,12hour)show icons: onidle poweroff: 10# (possible values: off,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,15,30,45,60)max files in playlist: 10000max files in dir: 400battery capacity: 1300car adapter mode: offbacklight filters first keypress: offbacklight timeout plugin: offcaption backlight: offbrightness: 4backlight fade in: 1s# (possible values: off,500ms,1s,2s)backlight fade out: 4s# (possible values: off,500ms,1s,2s,3s,4s,5s,10s)scroll speed: 13scroll delay: 100bidir limit: 50Screen Scrolls Out Of View: offscroll step: 6screen scroll step: 16scroll paginated: offforeground color: 000000background color: FFFFFFplay selected: onvolume fade: offscan min step: 1# (possible values: 1,2,3,4,5,6,8,10,15,20,25,30,45,60)scan accel: 3antiskip: 5s# (possible values: 5s,15s,30s,1min,2min,3min,5min,10min)disk spindown: 5show files: supported# (possible values: all,supported,music,playlists,id3 database)sort case: offfollow playlist: onplaylist viewer icons: onplaylist viewer indices: onplaylist viewer track display: track name# (possible values: track name,full path)recursive directory insert: off# (possible values: off,on,ask)autocreate bookmarks: off# (possible values: off,on,ask,recent only - on,recent only - ask)autoload bookmarks: off# (possible values: off,on,ask)use most-recent-bookmarks: off# (possible values: off,on,unique only)peak meter clip hold: 60# (possible values: on,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,15,20,25,30,45,60,90,2min,3min,5min,10min,20min,45min,90min)peak meter hold: 500ms# (possible values: off,200ms,300ms,500ms,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,15,20,30,1min)peak meter release: 8peak meter dbfs: onpeak meter min: 60peak meter max: 0talk dir: off# (possible values: off,number,spell,hover)talk file: off# (possible values: off,number,spell,hover)talk menu: onsort files: alpha# (possible values: alpha,oldest,newest,type)sort dirs: alpha# (possible values: alpha,oldest,newest)id3 tag priority: v2-v1# (possible values: v2-v1,v1-v2)folder navigation: offgather runtime data: offreplaygain: offreplaygain type: album# (possible values: track,album,track shuffle)replaygain noclip: offreplaygain preamp: 0beep: moderate# (possible values: off,weak,moderate,strong)crossfade: off# (possible values: off,shuffle,track skip,always)crossfade fade in delay: 0crossfade fade out delay: 0crossfade fade in duration: 0crossfade fade out duration: 0crossfade fade out mode: crossfade# (possible values: crossfade,mix)crossfeed: offcrossfeed direct gain: 15crossfeed cross gain: 60crossfeed hf attenuation: 160crossfeed hf cutoff: 700eq enabled: oneq precut: 20eq band 0 cutoff: 70eq band 1 cutoff: 1050eq band 2 cutoff: 200eq band 3 cutoff: 4570eq band 4 cutoff: 11000eq band 0 q: 38eq band 1 q: 63eq band 2 q: 0eq band 3 q: 36eq band 4 q: 12eq band 0 gain: 28eq band 1 gain: -100eq band 2 gain: -135eq band 3 gain: 15eq band 4 gain: 35dircache: ontagcache_ram: offtagcache_autoupdate: offdefault codepage: iso8859-1# (possible values: iso8859-1,iso8859-7,iso8859-8,cp1251,iso8859-11,cp1256,iso8859-9,iso8859-2,sjis,gb2312,ksx1001,big5,utf-8,cp1256)warn when erasing dynamic playlist: offbacklight on button hold: off# (possible values: normal,off,on)eq hardware enabled: oneq hardware band 0 cutoff: 105Hz# (possible values: 80Hz,105Hz,135Hz,175Hz)eq hardware band 0 gain: 12eq hardware band 1 center: 300Hz# (possible values: 230Hz,300Hz,385Hz,500Hz)eq hardware band 1 bandwidth: narrow# (possible values: narrow,wide)eq hardware band 1 gain: 12eq hardware band 2 center: 850Hz# (possible values: 650Hz,850Hz,1.1kHz,1.4kHz)eq hardware band 2 bandwidth: narrow# (possible values: narrow,wide)eq hardware band 2 gain: 12eq hardware band 3 center: 2.4kHz# (possible values: 1.8kHz,2.4kHz,3.2kHz,4.1kHz)eq hardware band 3 bandwidth: narrow# (possible values: narrow,wide)eq hardware band 3 gain: 12eq hardware band 4 cutoff: 6.9kHz# (possible values: 5.3kHz,6.9kHz,9kHz,11.7kHz)eq hardware band 4 gain: 12hold_lr_for_scroll_in_list: onshow path in browser: off# (possible values: off,current directory,full path)pause on headphone unplug: 1rewind duration on pause: 0disable autoresume if phones not present: Logging: offbutton_beep_freq: 5button_beep_len: 0
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