I was using the Rockbox on my Sansa Fuze. Everything was good, thanks too All Engineers! Sound is great and everything another too.
But charging. It was some months ago and charging was on original firmware. Maybe only this was "unstable", works good.
After eject = Rockbox = good
Now i have iPod Video 30 and i've bought it specially for your great soft.
I make it to Disk Mode, then i put automatically instalation = also good!
But when i put cord from my iPod to computer it shows me picture of usb in rockbox style for couple of seconds then apple and then it goes to disk mode again. It charging very good!Maybe 2-3 hours and ok. Then i eject my player from computer and i see apple and then Rockbox. Great!
My questions are:
- is it ok when my player automatically goes to disk mode when charging and to RB after?
- how it can injury my player?
- what should i do to keep my player safe,ok,and rockboxed:)
Also, is it bad (and can damage) to go from one firmware to another?
Some your suggestions!;)
Thanks a lot!