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1. It does not seem to handle utf-8 text files properly. I have a properly encoded utf-8 txt file, and it refuses to recognize the german ss. And (consequently) the edited file was not saved properly as well.
2. The ipod scrolling is backward ;-) very non-intuitive. I guess a quick keymap change will solve this, but I'm just trying it out so haven't compile my own yet.
3. It "froze" on the yes-no "save change?" screen after a track change (if I changed something). It actually is not a freeze, though; a button press will unfreeze it, but the screen seems unresponsive (can't scroll to the "no" item, for example) that I at first thought it is a freeze.
4. Settings is not saved. I load translation files always, but I'll have to change the setting every time. Would be nice if settings are saved whenever it access the disk (when retrieving files, etc.)
5. I much rather see a blank screen than the peakmeter when there is no lyric ;-)
6. I can't get album art to work. Is there a limit on the size?
Also it would be nice to read USLT from mp3 files. The other patch in flyspray is way out of date and I don't feel like fixing it (the patch contains a lots of nonsense, i.e. removing a empty lline, etc., and I'm not sure that I like the way it is implemented). Since this plugin already reads the synchronized lyric, it would be nice to extract the unsynchronized one and put that to the edit mode (save a temp txt file somewhere?).
Quote2. The ipod scrolling is backward ;-) very non-intuitive. I guess a quick keymap change will solve this, but I'm just trying it out so haven't compile my own yet.Can you tell me what is backward: a) volume srollingb) up/down scrolling in the editorc) both (a and b)I've got this problem reported by someone else, but somehow I didn't understand him correctly and I thought it was alright.
have you tried to set the codepage to utf-8 (General Settings->Display->Default Codpage->Unicode (UTF-8)?
Can you tell me what is backward: a) volume srollingb) up/down scrolling in the editorc) both (a and b)I've got this problem reported by someone else, but somehow I didn't understand him correctly and I thought it was alright.
I assume you only have this problem if you use rewind or forward at the end of the song? I sporadically got the problem using audio_ff_rew at the end of a song and I don't know how to fix it.
I will change it. I didn't expect someone else will ever use the loading of a translation file .
I will add this to the setting, where you can turn it off.
yes, the buffer for the image is 65536 Bytes (~ 147 x 147 Pixel bmp color image).If your image is larger it won't load the image.
I don't use that patch and somehow I don't have the motivation to extend the plugin to read USLT.
On another note, would you consider the possibility to synchronize between the lyric and the translation file? There are some problems when editing when loading translation is on (I think mostly with blank lines - the highlight/scrolling is off in the edit mode, and some line got eaten when setting new time). Also when I start with a plain txt file, I can't synchronize the translation (beside manually adding the time stamp). Maybe when you save the txt file, check whether there is a .tr file with the same name and mark the corresponding lines?
I haven't test it out, but I'm guessing that it will work like such - if album name contains illegal character like :, one of the scheme (path/.bmp) for retrieving the image won't work. Can sncviewer replace the illegal character with something like _ so that I can name my image accordingly?
1. Can you update the UI before doing the operation? For some reason the ipod has some button problems that sometime eats up button presses. For example, if I press rew once, I'll expect to go to the beginning of the song. But since the progress bar is not immediately updated while the track is seeking backward (only updated when the seeking is done), I really have no feedback to know whether my button press is received or not. The same with skipping tracks.
2. Can sncviewer functions as a viewer for txt, lrc, and snc files so that I can browse the filetree to find the appropriate file for the currently playing file? It's quite a pain the copy/paste/rename the lyric files on the player since the on screen keyboard is slow to use.
3. Properly capitalized and named (i.e. Time offset" instead of "time offset", "Repeat 1 On/Off" instead of "@1" ) menu item will be much more professional looking ;-)
4. Add scrolling to title/next?
5. The ipod keymap probably needs some rework to be more intuitive and be more in a line with other plugins. For example, the long press menu or select+menu should be used to exit the plugin instead of the rather obscure long press play/pause. I'll probably look into this more.
fixed: replace /,\,?,: with _
go to the beginning of the song: update the time and the timebarprevious/next track: ?
I don't like the idea of implementing a filebrowser in the plugin and I also don't think anyone would want to search through the filetree for the lyrics everytime.
You can changed it if you like.
It's not possible for the current implementation to use the scrolling function from the api.I don't think it's worth the time to change the implementation.
I don't own a ipod. I just assign the functions to the available buttons. It's always better if an owner of the target assigns the buttons.I have disabled the a-b function on targets, which don't have enough buttons (e.g. ipod). Maybe you good solution to enable it.
How about " | < > and * ? Those are also illegal in FAT32.
For previous/next, the screen is not updated until the track change is completed - and there is even a small gap (on my ipod at least) between the tracke is changed and updating of the UI.
... I'm not sure if you will be interested in it, but I found it helpful because I have a folder of lyrics/translations that are common to all my music (i.e. I can have two different sopranos singing the same lieder, which of course have the same text).
I did capitalize them as I wanted ;-). I'm just suggesting the idea to you (and secretly for my benefit of not having to sync with your source everytime you changes it). It's probably really an issue of personal preference, but I like consistency when the rest of rockbox is properly capitalized.
I'll look into it next week when I have my physics and math problem sets done. The plugin keymap looks quite different from the core, so I'll have to look at it a bit more.
On another note, the backlight does not seem to behave as expected when there is power from USB. Instead of staying on when I ask it to, it turns off after the timeout defined in setting.
I am very interested in this plugin... awesome work so far!Um... just a question, most of my mp3s have the lyrics embeded in the 'USLT' tag field (UNSYNCEDLYRICS).Is there any chance of adding support for this field?? I have over 1100 with lyrics in them.
Also, is there a limit to the amount of characters that can be displayed total?
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