well i figured out that im getting a new black ipod nano for christmas. im fairly sure its the 16 gig but its also possible its the 8 gig
i wasnt sure if this is the right area to post or not. if not you have my apologies
http://www.apple.com/ipodnano/ is the new ipod ill be getting and i wanted to know if there is a compatible rockbox build to work with it.
if so has anyone tried it? is the camera supported? does the dual boot function properly? is automated installation possible or will i have to do it manually?
this is my first time owning an ipod but its not my first time dealing with one. so i know that i want to get rockbox up and running on it asap.
the most important things im concerned about are
1: will rockbox install on it?
2: does dual boot (being able to switch between the apple firmware and the rockbox firmware on the fly) function correctly?
3: will ipod accessories work with rockbox?
and i sincerely apologize i these questions have already been answered and i thank any responses i recieve