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Just a quick question...

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I'm at my wit's end now. I tried flashing the 2.2 as well as the daily build (by "playing" the .ucl-file, right?) but the problem persists. If I start the player and then plug it in, everything works fine. The player, of course, is in play-mode then. However, plugging in the power with the player switched off gives me the charging mode with that battery animation. While the player checks whether the battery needs to be charged, the backlight is off. As soon as the player starts charging, it is alight.

I am pretty sure I did not have this behavior at first, so I doubt it's an hardware issue. Any ideas left of what I can change?


Iirc on the charging screen (that's what you get when plugging the charger with the player switched off) the backlight indicates whether charging current is flowing or not. So it is off at the beginning (checking battery state), then constantly on during normal charge, then goes on for several seconds per minute during top-off and trickle charge. This behaviour is intended.

If rockbox is started when you plug the charger, these rules do not apply, rockbox uses the various backlight seetings in that case.


--- Quote from: amiconn on October 08, 2004, 11:01:59 AM ---then constantly on during normal charge, then goes on for several seconds per minute during top-off and trickle charge. This behaviour is intended.
--- End quote ---

Could someone confirm that? Does your backlight also switch on after battery check during charge (the archos not having been switched on) and stays on until the battery is full?

I'm not sure if this behavior is really that good - backlight draws quite some power which lengthens the charge cycle, of course. Ok, I guess the lifetime expectancy of the LEDs is not an issue. Still, I'd prefer a "I'm charging now"-Icon on the LCD anyday.



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