i bought me an Archos Jukebox Player 6000 with 160GB and rockbox on it on ebay. Now i tried to upgrade on the new rockbox version.
I took the rockbox utility (Archos was detected as Player 6000) and choosed the automated full installation.
But when i rebooted my device, the originally firmware by archos started (v4.53 from Jan 19 2001).
I tried to deinstall and reinstall rockbox, tried older releases, cleaned up hdd manually, reinstalled again,... but nothing helped.

The archos.mod and .rockbox-folder are in the root. All seems to be OK, but the Archos don´t load the archos.mod on startup. Any Ideas?
Could i load the archos.mod with the original-firmware somehow? i don´t see the file and have no option to show me all file-types.
thanks for your help!
ciao pyrobahne