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Can anyone expand on this:"2008-12-25: Preliminary support for Ipod accessories."Does this mean Rockbox might be able to interface with ipod controls in cars in the future?
Or does it just mean basic accessories like video cables that plug into the ipod dock etc?
I asked awhile back and was told this would probably never happen due to licensing/dev kits costing money.
What changed? Who or what is driving this support? One man? A couple of people? Did apple give you guys the specs or did someone "find" them?
Could you expand on that a little? Will it be able to output audio and tag information to stereo's and cars?
I don't know much about the protocol so I have to ask: How extensive is the protocol and its abilities(ignoring stuff like video output)? How much work will it take to get full support?
Does it look like this person will continue in their efforts? Or was it likely just something someone cooked up for their own limited needs and decided to share?
I'm happy to tell that Rockbox 3.1 was just uploaded!For the easiest install or upgrade path, use rbutil.If you prefer getting the zip files "manually", go hereRead up on the most noticable changes done in 3.1A more detailed log of changes.Enjoy!
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