Installation / Removal > Olympus - Installation/Removal

Olympus 500i progress?


I stumbled upon this website a few days ago and was really impressed with its work.  I have always love the M:robe but have thought that it had way more potential.  I am the proud owner of a MR500i and have always hated the firmware.  When will Rockbox be up and running on the MR500i?  And if so ill it have video capability?  If and when Rockbox is released on the MR500i I'm thinking about putting a larger HDD in my M:robe.  Would rock box support that support that?

None of these questions have anything to do with installing Rockbox on the MR-100.

Please, do not ask for status on potential ports. They happen if people work on them. You can read more in the sticky in the New Ports forum.


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