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read only ?

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Unbelievable !
I plug-in my iPod photo 60Gb,
its icon is as usual displayed on my desktop,
rhythmbox boots automatically,
everything has the usual behaviour.
Except that... my iPod is now read-only !
I can't even upgrade it when I'm root !

Any idea ?

PS : I'm a debian user. I didn't configure udev or anything.

Mount it from a command line and it'll give you a message as to why it was mounted read-only.  Probably filesystem corruption, for which you want to look at the fsck.vfat man page.

In haiku:

File system problems
Check to see that all is well
fsck.vfat works best

Comments on my haiku prowess are welcome. :)

Well, I don't get it :
sometimes the iPod is attached automatically but read-only,
sometimes it's attached and read-writeable,
sometimes it's not even recognized by my laptop :

--- Code: ---# lsusb
Bus 002 Device 005: ID 05ac:1204 Apple Computer, Inc.
--- End code ---
It's on the bus, but :
--- Code: ---# mount /mnt/ipod/
mount: special device /dev/sda does not exist
--- End code ---
Anyway, I upgraded rockbox, which is the most important.

Thank you for your help,
and for the haiku.

Maybe you've got a bad USB cable or port.

Lambda, your haiku is broken by my pronunciation of the dot  :P

Maybe you could use something like "dosfsck works the best" instead?


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