Rockbox Ports are now being developed for various digital audio players!
The only thing I can see stopping this from working is whether or not the headphone jack and line out can be given two different signals...
So are you saying that the headphone jack and line out are somehow hardwired together?
Basically, I do sound setups for parties and stuff and my friend usually brings a nice hardware stereo crossover (because the subs need to be cutoff at around 200 hz, and the rest of the spectrum is sent to the mids and tops). But I'm moving out of reach of him and am looking for a cheap alternative to buying a new crossover.
I have soldered together passive crossovers from scratch, but making an active one is quite a bit more complex, especially if you want an adjustable crossover frequency.
It needs to be active because I need each signal in standard line voltage to be sent to the amplifiers
When building an active crossover like that you need to use op amps to boost the voltage of each signal back up again, and a regulated power supply circuit to drive them. Its definitely possibly but beyond my scope of time and money atm.
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