ok i have a problem now and i aint going to touch my player anymore til i get advice...
ok here is my problem...
i was running rockbox perfectly fine until i tried this...
http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/SansaFAQ )
Can I disable the Sansa e200 firmware's obnoxious database refreshing?
Yes. There are two ways to do this:
* Download the latest version of sansapatcher and any version of the Sansa original firmware below v1.03.XX. You can use the one dated October 20th, 2007 here. Now connect the Sansa to your PC (make sure it's in MSC mode) and execute the following commands in the command line (Start -> Run -> cmd for Windows users). Make sure that the filenames are correct and both sansapatcher and the .mi4 file are in the same folder. After you are done, SAFELY remove your Sansa. Database-refresh will only be deactivated when you boot into the OF via USB-connection with no microSD card inserted.
sansapatcher.exe -of PP5022.mi4
sansapatcher.exe -d
sansapatcher.exe --install
* When booting up after a firmware upgrade, you'll be presented with a language selection screen. When this happens, don't select any language. Instead insert the USB cable, let the Sansa connect to your computer (this will be done in MTP mode) and then disconnect again. You'll now be in the main menu, but without explicitly having selected a language. Switch USB mode to MSC and shut down. After these somewhat convoluted steps, the Sansa will boot to the language selection screen and wait there (or enter USB mode, if the USB cable is inserted), without refreshing the database. If you've already selected a language, you can do a manual install (i.e., download and extract the firmware files to the root of the player), though I think you'll need a different version than the currently installed one for it to work.
now when player is off and i try to boot into the original sansa firmware with the usb cable plugged in it acts like it's attempting to boot into the sansa firmware but just keeps rebooting constantly until i remove the usb cable and power off and back on and rockbox loads up fine but if i power off and then try to power on while holding the left button (to boot into original firmware) it does that reboot cycle but as soon as i let up off the LEFT button it boots into rockbox fine.
basically my original firmware appears to be shot...
any advice on how i can safely get my player in good running order again?
cause i follow what it said above perfectly fine as my device was in MSC mode and my firmware was older than version v01.03.xx (version i had (which came with my player) was v01.02.18a)
cause when i was running those first command and hit enter it appeared fine and when i ran the 2nd it appeared fine... but once i ran the third it errored so i discconnected my mp3 player and then i had the reboot issue as explained above.
bottom line is how to i fix my player?
thanks for your time.
EDIT: it appears i fixed it using this...
http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/SansaE200Unbrickmore specifically this...
Recovery Mode
Recovery mode can be used to replace a bad .mi4 image on the player. If you by some reason can't boot into the original firmware, like if you messed up the installation or similar, you can boot into the recovery mode as follows:
* Power off
* Turn ON lock/hold
* Hold down record
* Hit Power/Menu Button
You will find a 16MB USB drive now, this is the recovery partition.
A word of caution WARNING
* Only copy .mi4 files to the recovery partition.
* Do not format this 16MB drive
* Do not copy anything except one .mi4 file to the recovery partition. This might turn your shiny toy into a paperweight!
* Do not copy .rom or .bin files to that partition unless you know exactly what you are doing. Again: You might brick your player!
* Do not interrupt a file transfer or running operation. Again: You might brick your player!
* Do not try anything else unless you have to. Again: You might brick your player!
You have been warned.
Restoring the original firmware
When "Welcome to Recovery Mode" appears you copy an original firmware .mi4 file (if you don't have one try here) to the device and disconnect it. It will cause the device to reinstall the original firmware. A corresponding message should appear on screen.
In most cases, this should be enough to get your device working again. Only continue with the next step if this step did not help.
now i just gotta reinstall rockbox and i aint going to mess with it again

UPDATE: rockbox working perfectly fine now i just dont have the same original firmware as i originally did but i dont think it matters to much

... originally had v01.02.18a now i have v01.02.15a
but i do have a couple questions... it says DO NOT format the 'recovery partition' .... not that i would but IF i accidentally did is there any way to recover it?
and also another question... when i used the recovery method to fix my original firmware and copied the "1.02.15a.mi4" file there to recover it ... after the recovery is that file still there or does it get deleted once it's restored?