Thank You for your continued support and contributions!
It plays for me, though with a few glitches. I'm not sure what it should sound like but the plugin definitely produces recognizable sound. This is with a Sansa e280 (r17232) and using the patchset from the wiki.
I recall finding a patchset somewhere that was identical to the one provided by Rockbox, and one that was similar with extra instruments and a slightly different configuration file. The identical one worked, the other one didn't (the plugin returned an error saying no patchset found or whatever it is exactly that it says when there isn't a patchset).
The file is probably stuttering. The PortalPlayer targets currently can't process the midi information fast enough to keep up with playback, so playback tends to stutter a lot, unless the midi uses only a few instruments and plays at a slow tempo. (This deduced from personal experience.)
It would be nice to get some more input on this from other users. So far we have two individual players not behaving like the rest.
How many people actually use midi files seriously and consistently on their DAP's anyway..? Currently the plugin only plays one at a time, then stops and you have to select the next midi to continue listening... It's not yet something I would expect most people to use regularly... I myself only used it to test it to see how well it was(n't) working. Perhaps once it's fully optimised and made into a codec rather than a separate plugin, I'll find more practical use for it...
I [also] get a "Buffer miss!" error in the plugin screen when it glitches.
For the present I am considering all "Buffer Miss!" errors to be standard operation for the PP targets.
I tried playing a MIDI file and no sound comes out, just the message "crap...null waveform..." printed out on the display repeatedly. I followed the instructions at to download and copy over the patchset to .rockbox/patchset and verified that the patch files were in the right location. I did this twice to make sure. I also tried several different MIDI files. However, I still get the same error message each time. Any ideas?
I'm running r17068-080410. I've attached an example midi file to this post.
Quote from: bascule on April 23, 2008, 04:17:27 PMIt seems your file structure is correct, you should have folder:/.rockbox/patchsetcontaining files:*.pat (lots of)*.cfg (two of)Yup, I have those files and folders in the location described.Argh is there any way to get in touch with the author of the midi plugin and find out more about what the error message "null waveform" is supposed to mean?
It seems your file structure is correct, you should have folder:/.rockbox/patchsetcontaining files:*.pat (lots of)*.cfg (two of)
Well, I've found the error message in the code (, but there's no comments that help me understand what's going on here (seeing as I know nothing about MIDI and very, very little about C).It would seem that you may just be out of luck, as the error only seems to exhibit itself on your device. You may want to hop onto IRC (linked from sidebar) and ask about it there, as that's where most of the actual coders hang out...
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