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Does this mean Rockbox is a lock for at least one project?
Let's make an effort to add more ideas to the gsoc page, talk to potential students and make more rockbox hackers volunteer as mentors.
How about a better button system which is customizable? I know I'd like to change the Gigabeat remote's counterintuitive button configuration (I'd like the volume up and volume down buttons to be switched in function).
I am interested in Rockbox as an application.
that makes at least three of us.... does noone know how to compile sdl apps for winCE?
Because, honestly, they're unlikely to get accepted. We're looking for things that move forward the purpose of the project, which means things targeting various key goals.Rockbox optimization, on its own, is probably not a summer's work. And with the existing NES emulation patch, completing it may not be either.Between those two points, they really aren't suitable as Soc projects.
and button configuration won't be on there either? (the sansa can have some pretty bad controls for things where left/right are buttons but up/down are scroll wheel).
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