[This was first posted in broken Hardware, but perhaps it's better here-- I don't know.]
[My OS is Linux. I use the nifty distro MEPIS.]
I got my Cowon D2 yesterday-- it had FW 2.50 installed. I charged it up, then listened to the FM radio. After downloading the firmware upgrade (v. 2.54), I only made it thru to the end of the first firmware upgrade step, then my new D2 became a brick--> nothing works, screen is black. So the firmware upgrade process has been interrupted and remains incomplete while my D2 is "busted".
I found the thread on repairing this kind of problem - a Cowon D2 bricked during firmware upgrade - [see
http://iaudiophile.net/fo...ms/showthread.php?t=17854 ] but this method is for WinXP. Since a Rockbox developer named Linuxstb created this fix, I hope he/she or someone else can tell me if there's a fix for Linux users.
If there's no way yet to fix a bricked D2 using Linux, I suppose I have to find a WinXP computer and try to fix it with that. Yes or no?