I wouldn't suggest SUPER. They violate a whole bunch of licenses, including the GPL, and really should not be supported in doing this.
I regularly use WinFF in windows without problem. Maybe you should tell what sort of problems you're having.
I was using SUPER.. Never knew they violated GPL Licenses..

OK .. I'll try to use WinFF on Windows, but I never knew how to make it work...
Isn't it a front end for FFMPEG ??
If I install WinFF, does it automatically install the FFMPEG encoder as well, or should it have already been installed?
One more thing, the videos I converted using SUPER (to my Rockboxed Sansa e280) are quite blocky.. They stutter and play for like every7-8 seconds.. I'm still figuring out the correct codecs/bitrates required for both Audio as well as video!
Anyone here can help about that as well? I'm looking for information specific to the Sansa e200 series running Rockbox. (ver 3.1)
EDIT: Never knew that I unknowingly bumped a year-old thread!