(It's what I get after getting cocky with reflashing an older motorola phone (and bricking my wife's older MP3 player)
I tried to install RockBox on my newly purchased refurn e260. I used the automatic installation, I skipped the bootloader installation (cause it said mine was fine) and I installed a bunch of stuff (themes and such), but it would not boot RockBox, it would only go to Sansa Stock firmware. Instead manually installing the RockBox bootloader - I --> looked at manual installation and decided to follow the steps for the e200R (because I thought my installation CD came with Rhapsody installation).
So I followed the
http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/SansaE200RInstallation and I went through step one (without seeing
Firmware Unlocked, Proceed to Step 2 prompt) and I did step two (pp5022.mi4 into root directory in manufacturer's mode and put OM.mi4 into system directory). It rebooted and that's all she wrote.
Tried to reformat with sansa.fmt in recovery mode, but all it does is display the Sansa logo. So now I don't have
1) e200tool (nm that I don't know how to use it)
2) don't run linux
Help. I don't know where to go from here. I was so focused on trying to play OGG files on my mp3 player, that I bricked it becasue of dumb mistakes.
Any pointers would be appreciated. I think my bootloader is shot. Anyway I can reinstall the firmware?