Thank You for your continued support and contributions!
EQ プレーヤー available on Google Play, a finished, close sourced, Rockbox alternative for Android.
I clearly don't want to drop rockbox but I'm interested. Could you write the name of the app on Google Play in regular letters that I or anyone can read & use ? Here whatever you wrote looks similar to "EQ §§§§§".
...The freedom of parametric eq one may said.
Well, fiddling with RaaAoA is just some fun excersize for me. Just like hacking rockbox in general. Some people like solving puzzles some like reverse engineering, disassembling and hacking. I guess you are aware of
I guess you are aware of
For brave souls who can't live without rockbox on Lollipop here is *HUGE* hack which makes it running on ART.
It is my honest opinion that if Rockbox is going to have any form of a future on Android that there is only one path that leads to that end. What I sincerely believe needs to happen is the completion of a completely standalone Rockbox playback library wrapped in a native user interface.The most obvious one being "What actually makes 'A Rockbox'"?If one strips the idea of using a standalone playback library right back and examines the guts of it, really the only interesting thing that I believe that we can bring to the party here is our extensive codec optimizations, but even the worst and oldest Android devices can be substantially more powerful than most digital audio players Rockbox targets, and modern mid tier and flasgship devices are extremely, extremely powerful when compared to digital audio players. Even on MSM72** ARMv6 SoC, which by today's standards even for cheap low end and midrange devices is woefully underpowered, we are getting ~3000% realtime decode for LAME 320 CBR, and ~7000% realtime decode for flac8 lossless.This begs the question, "Why use Rockbox as a base at all?".The most obvious candidate for a 'not Rockbox' core is android-ffmpeg, and this has the overwhelming benefit of already existing.But...if I were to build a native user interface around android-ffmpeg, one of the numerous libraries for playlist handling, etc. etc. etc. that still Rockbox? Is it Rockbox just because I say it is? Even if we're not using our codecs, or our playback control, or our playlist control, if we have no plugins (lets face it, plugins in Rockbox on Android make zero sense), no theme engine (bringing our own theme engine to the party in a modernised Rockbox for Android brings with it a host of difficulties), can I still in any good conscience call it Rockbox?I would like to know how others feel about the points raised here. Please try to separate and personal feelings one might have about myself, or any sentimental feelings one might have for Rockbox from this discussion and examine only the practicality of the current situation and that of my suggestions, thank you.
I would like to know how others feel about the points raised here. Please try to separate and personal feelings one might have about myself, or any sentimental feelings one might have for Rockbox from this discussion and examine only the practicality of the current situation and that of my suggestions, thank you.
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