I got a noob question :/
Does rockbox (for sansa) support subtitles?
My problem:
I got a *.mkv file with subtitles and 2 audio lines/(streams whatever). Now I want to convert it to mpeg with the second audioline and subtitles. But when I convert the file with WinFF with the presets for sansa (from
http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/RockboxExtras ) I got the mpeg file with the first audioline and without subtitles :/.
Is there a plugin requiered to view subtitles? Im not very adept in compiling stuff ^^
If rockbox doesn't support subtitles is there a way to implement subtitles from a file into video?
(Information)I'm using WinFF to convert the files.
My operating system is Windows XP + SP 2.
Hope s'one could help me
thank you in advance