Thank You for your continued support and contributions!
...I could succesfully use blx (armv5t) and strd (armv5e) instructions, but not ssat (armv6) so the CPU is armv5E/T...
FlynDice : about the MMU I have some remarks:The real size is 0x1000 (16kb aligned)You should use (RAM_ORIG + MEM*0x100000 - TTB_SIZE) for the positionYou should update & to remove TTB_SIZE from the RAM size
Good news : I have now access to the LCD on Clipv2 (I updated the ticket with a new patch, pay attention to _backlight_on() which holds the required i2c registers modifications).
pbxy I hope it will help you to find the last buttons.
SD code is different, and pl18? documentation on has vanished?
With the attached button-clip.c every button except for HOLD gets detected.I printed out all GPIO pin states on the display but nothing changes when hold is pressed.
Quote from: pbxy on March 26, 2009, 01:26:22 PMWith the attached button-clip.c every button except for HOLD gets detected.I printed out all GPIO pin states on the display but nothing changes when hold is pressed.Isn't hold on A3 like on Clipv1 ? I'll have to test, but I remember seeing it on A3 in the OF.
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