Thank You for your continued support and contributions!
@HillshumI don't know how to verify if the cable is fine, but that could very well be the case.. I'll ask my friends to see if I can find a Sansa + a cable to see which one of the cable or the Fuze is damaged.For now, I continue working with the microSD @mc2739Did the test fail before using this patch ?@kugelHow come the capacity is reported fine ?The CSD reports 0x1E9E00 sectors on my Fuze and I remember that it was identical bit per bit for all e200 and Fuzes (even with different capacities).Are you reading it from debugging > disk info ?
I'm still looking at how to find the number of banks (4GB or 8GB), and if they are needed or not.
If you can give me different CSDs with their model & capacity I could compare them with the one I have (I was reading the function which parses the CSD and I noticed some 'out of spec' fields!!)
By the way I tried to enable the MMU and noticed some problems: - if I enable caching & buffering (flag 0xC) on IRAM I see crashes quickly after boot - if I enable it on SDRAM I can not boot : the 1st sector (partition table) is incorrectly readFlyndice: I looked (quickly, because I don't know anything about this stuff..) at the MMU code in the OF of Clip and Fuze and I see a strange thing: - Clip OF enable caching only for the 1st MB of SDRAM (out of 2) - Fuze OF enable caching onyl for the first 5 MBs of SDRAM (out of weird.. !
I'm assuming it's 1 bank for each 2GB (2GB is the maximum you can get with non-HC), although it would seem weird why the problems already start at 1GB. Maybe it's 1bank per 1GB, but then it would be weird why 2GB models don't have a bank.
BTW, I haven't exactly looked at your code. But it just works, what's the exact problem with the number of banks or do you have it hard-coded for 4GB?.
Well, IIRC the v1 sansas don't have a CSD lookup table, if you mean that.
Interesting. Can I see the code? I haven't been able to boot at all (no apparent crash or partition error), just freeze when I tried.Weird that it doesn't cache the whole ram. Maybe it doesn't cache its plugin memory (if they have one) or something. I'm unsure if we gotta do it in the same way.
Currently it's ~4GB per bank (just like e200v1) so 2GB or less models don't need switching
If you need something else just ask !
GPIOD_DIR &= ~((1<<2) | (1<<1) | (1<<0));... GPIOD_DIR |= ((1<<6) | (1<<5) | (1<<4));
CGU_PERI |= 0x10000; CCU_IO |= 1<<3; CGU_DBOP |= 0x18;
GPIOB_PIN(1) = 0xFD; GPIOB_PIN(2) = 1<<3; GPIOB_PIN(5) = 0xDF; GPIOB_PIN(7) = 0;
@mc2739Did the test fail before using this patch ?
No, disk info still shows 0x1E900. I was looking under System->Rockbox info. It shows (apparently correctly) how much disk spaces is left and the total disk space (currently I have "141MB/3.79GB").
i am new to this and tried to build and install bootloader and rockbox from source (with one warning: Your cross-compiler arm-elf-gcc 4.1.1 is not of the recommended version 4.0.3!)
I'd like to get started doing some dev work to help with the port to the new Sansa models. Any suggestions on getting started?
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