Thank You for your continued support and contributions!
Do you have a suggestion for determining if whether or not the mmu and Dcache are actually working besides a noticeable speed difference?
I tested most of GPIOA and B with C6 as output, but no button presses were detected. I tested using the "delay method".
Yes I guess I'm getting caught in the enabled vs functioning trap. When I disable the Icache it behaves identically to what happens when I enable the mmu. I'll start looking at the "Program level 1 and level 2 page tables as required" middle step and see what I can see...Do you have a suggestion for determining if whether or not the mmu and Dcache are actually working besides a noticeable speed difference?
Hi again,I patched mkamsboot and I can now run custom code on my Clip v2. Smiley
Is there a recovery method on the v2 clip, or did you just hope to not brick your clip entirely? I'll have a look at your patch.
The ClipV2 is believed to use a different CPU then the V1, so the GPIO addresses may not even be at the same addresses in memory.
Is this still with bertriks patch? Because I didn't manage to enable the MMU.
The ClipV2 is believed to use a different CPU then the V1, so the GPIO addresses may not even be at the same addresses in memory. You should ask Bagder to request a copy of the AS3536 datasheet. Otherwise, you'll have to dig through the retail firmware looking for GPIO registers.
It uses almost exactly the same order of commands (0xd5, 0x10, 0xdb, 0x34, ...) as the clip v1 display driver in rockbox (lcd_init_device() in firmware/target/arm/as3525/sansa-clip/lcd-ssd1303.c).Only the lcd_write_command(LCD_SET_COM_OUTPUT_SCAN_DIRECTION_INV); (command 0xC8) is made 4 times instead of 1 in the OF.
When you have some functional code, you can try remove some bits one by one to exclude useless ones.[...]Something is still missing because I get DATA TIMEOUT from the SD controller when trying to read from the 2nd bank.
I received a Fuzev1 from saratoga and a USB cable from gevaerts, but sadly I broke the USB connection the first day by using a custom USB charger !Luckily I can still charge the battery over USB (only the data connection is broken) and update the code via a microSD card.
This is why I always test code removal bit per bit ^^I have made significant progress now:I can read my watermark past the 0x1E9E00th sector.I needed some initialisation, which enables the access to 0x1E9E00*4 (just like e200v1) sectors on the first bank.I suppose bank switching works but I can't test rigorously since without USB access I can not modify/dump the whole disk structure of my Fuze. I even ignore if it's a 4 or 8GB.The OF code seems to handle only 1 or 2 banks (4 or 8GB) : do you know if a 16GB model exists ?Next step is to find the number of banks dynamically to know the exact size of each model, and also test if it needs bank switching or not (2GB and less models don't).I attach my current patch, I'd appreciate if you can test it and play with it on e200/Fuze/Clip
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