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Do we even have nand on the ams sansa's? I know there is a nand interface on the chip but it seems sandisk opted to go with an embedded sd card instead(they are sandisks after all...). My point to that is though that the sd interface uses gpio-d and the button light seems to be turned on with gpio-d[7]. Yes I know the diagram in the datasheet does not show an actual assignment for pin 7 but it would seem that anecdotal evidence suggests that the sd interface is using it for something. Am I misunderstanding something?
Has anyone had any luck playing mp3 off the microsd card? I thought there was a report of that last week. Could someone try on the fuze or e200 and let us know the results?
AMS = v2We chose to use the term AMS which represent the hardware used in these models, as opposed to 'v2' which is confusing.
Quote from: funman on March 08, 2009, 12:02:55 PMAMS = v2We chose to use the term AMS which represent the hardware used in these models, as opposed to 'v2' which is confusing.I thought the v1 also uses AMS hardware just that it is the older version. No?
% ./amsinfo clip02.01.32/m30pa.bin0x00000000: HEADER: 0x00000000 FirmwareHeaderIndex: 0x00000000 CLIPv2 firmware format FirmwareChecksum: 0x9b2d5536 CodeBlockSizeMultiplier: 0x000002fe (* 0x200 = 0x0005fc00 <-- main firmware block size) FirmwareSize: 0x0005fa7c (diff. to calculated firmware block size: 0x0184) Unknown1: 0x00000003 Unknown2: 0x24 ModelID: 0x27 Zero: 0x0000 FortyHex: 0x00000040 One: 0x00000001 FiveThousandHex: 0xffffffff HeaderChecksum: 0x9b3469a2Calculated header checksum: 0x9b3469a2 MATCH[...]Calculated firmware checksum: 0x9b2d5536 MATCHCalculated file checksum: 0xf2b58380 MATCHReset Vectors: Address 0x0400: e59ff058 Address 0x0404: e59ff058 Address 0x0408: e59ff1fc Address 0x040c: e59ff058 Address 0x0410: e59ff058 Address 0x0414: e1a00000 Address 0x0418: e59ff054 Address 0x041c: e59ff054firmware_size(0x0005fc00) => start(0x00060000)LIBRARY BLOCKS:Offset Name BaseAddr EndAddr BlockSize Unknown1 EntryCount0x00060000: "drmndt_pers" 0x30064cc4 0x30076e4c 0x00012188 0x0000ad48 0x000000010x00072204: "rubbish" 0x18be6784 0x4ae13d6c 0x2cd672ae 0x69525f90 0x16496df1[1] 10194 segmentation fault ./amsinfo clip02.01.32/m30pa.bin
I get the same scrollwheel issues (reverse direction etc) on my e200v2 in the OF as well as rockbox
I've been investigating the mmu for a few days along with the instruction & data caches and bus modes. Right now we are running with the mmu disabled and the instruction and data caches enabled, even though the Arm TRM says you shouldn't do that. I'm basing my assertions on the values read from the control register used to enable/disable these features. The caches are enabled in the bootloader along with asynchronous bus mode and that carries through to the main rockbox. The strange thing is that if I enable the mmu it slows down rockbox which is quite opposite of what I would expect. Disabling the Dcache (since the mmu is not enabled) seems to have no effect good or bad that I can see yet(but maybe I don't know what I'm looking for...). I looked through the disassembly of the OF(e200v2) and found the mmu and cache functions along with functions to set the 3 bus modes. They all look similar to what we've got in mmu-arm.S. We can enable the mmu quite easily but there must be something that doesn't want to "play nicely" with our little friend here. Any chance our good old 1GB sd problem is related?
% ./mkamsboot ~/x/clip02.01.32/m30pa.bin ~/x/rockbox/bootloader-clip.sansa m30pa.binmkamsboot v0.1 - (C) Dave Chapman and Rafaël Carré 2008This is free software; see the source for copying conditions. There is NOwarranty; not even for MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.[INFO] MD5 sum - 0ad3723e52022509089d938d0fbbf8c5[INFO] Original firmware MD5 checksum match - Clip V2 2.01.32[INFO] Patching Clip V2 firmware[INFO] Original firmware size: 391804 bytes[INFO] Packed OF size: 90807 bytes[INFO] Bootloader size: 45068 bytes[INFO] Packed bootloader size: 22732 bytes[INFO] Dual-boot function size: 264 bytes[INFO] UCL unpack function size: 168 bytes[INFO] Total size of new image: 113971 bytes ***************************************************************************** *** THIS CODE IS UNTESTED - DO NOT USE IF YOU CAN NOT RECOVER YOUR DEVICE *** *****************************************************************************
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