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It appears we have leftover room in iram, is there a reason not to use it for the stack?
Do we really need the mmu functioning in the bootloader? It seems to me it overcomplicates things.
And , of course now that Funman has mp3 and ogg playing so nicely for me(thanks a ton by the way) how do I stay motivated
Not really, but is it really helpful (how much speedup) ?
Some bad news: I broke my Fuze LCD while it was in my pocket (how breakable it is!) and when trying to exchange the LCD screen with the other Fuze I had, I unsoldered the LCD connector :/saratoga's Fuze was hardware rev 1.2 and mine was 1.41, the 1.41 connector looks much more breakable...
Now I still have the rock solid Clip to develop, but had not much luck with MMU.
I'm looking at understanding the I2C registers to use interrupts and remove the busy loop in ascodec driver; and also to enable headphones detection.Keep up rocking !
- Flashing Wheel : instead of turning of, the wheel starts flashing... you might reproduce it by setting your start screen to "last played" and turn your player of/on - then just wait a bit
i used rockbox on my e200 v1 and it never flashed so i thought its kind of unwanted... imo its quite annoying so is this a wanted feature of rockbox or just something to make observations easier for development?
===========> line 1 from left to right (on fuze)0 3 5 7 91 4 6 8 ...===========> line 2
i drawed only the first line and tried all HORZ/VERT modes:but every time i got the same result: two lines from upper left to upper right.
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