it took me about two hours to figure this out, i tried about twenty times after i saw someone say "it just works if you keep trying". i noticed on one post that you could change the setting from "r" to "pfs", so i figured it was worth a shot. go to setting then mode then set it from "rhapsody" to "plays for sure" then run the patcher as normal by powering off, put the hold switch on, hold the big round button in the middle, plug in the usb cord connected to the computer, let go of the button when it dings, install the drivers
http://download.rockbox.org/bootloader/sandisk-sansa/e200r-patcher/e200-manufac-driver.zip, then run e200rpatcher
this is as far as i am so far, wish me luck

i couldn't find this info about setting the mode to "pfs" anywhere in the manual or the forums so i hope this helps all you other peeps who got suckered by woot's blatant bait n' switch.
edit: so moving farther into the installation process "Boot up your device and connect the USB cable (make sure you have set the USB Mode to MSC/Rhapsody)" i assume this means set mode back to rapsody

gonna do that just to be sure, hope i'm not facking this up.
edit: works great, now i can use my own playlists i make on my pc.