Hi, I followed the linux instructions here:
http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/SansaE200RInstallation#Linux_installerand then here:
http://www.rockbox.org/twiki/bin/view/Main/SansaE200RInstallationFromLinuxThe Sansa rebooted, then said updating firmware, then restarted. Now, it starts up, I get a quick flash of the ROCKBOX logo, then it says:
ATA error: -219
Press ON to debug
I can connect via USB. If I do, it shows the following text (I took a picture so I could write this all out before the screen changed to the "Connected" screen:
Rockbox boot loader
Version: 4.0
Sandisk Sansa e200
Partition 0: 0x06 1896 MB
Partition 1: 0x84 20 MB
Loading original firmware...
Trying firmware partition
BL mi4 size: EC00
Can't load from parition
Invalid file format
Trying /System/OF.mi4
mi4 size: 57B000
CRC32: 28EBB55C
Model id:
Binary type:
Calculated CRC32: 28EBB55C
Searching for key:
Any help getting Rockbox on this thing would be greatly appreciated!