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InfoNES v0.97J RC1
Quote from: doc/readme.htmlInfoNES v0.97J RC1Yes, I do have a habit of answering questions addressed to other people.
No, no working sound unfortunately.
MikeT: have you been able to work on the InfoNes lately?
criznach, please "modify" your posts instead of double posting.
could someone make a build for a 30gb 5g ipod so i can test it out?
It looks like rockbox's pcm_play_data function is expecting stereo samples, while infones is feeding it mono samples. So I tried doubling the final buffer and writing each byte twice. I then pass pcm_play_data samples*2 as it's length parameter. This makes the sound almost tolerable. It's still very chunky and not pleasant. But it sounds a bit more like what I expect
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