Thank You for your continued support and contributions!
It's an Archos Jukebox Recorder. On the back of the chassis is "Model JBR V2". The part number is 400028. There is a label on the PCB: JBR-FM V2.2. I am stumped. Is there a way to program the ROM without having Rockbox resident? Is there another application that I can try running on the Archos to see if anything will execute? I really appreciate your help!
I really thought a JBR V2 would be a safe bet to run Rockbox
Is it worth a try connecting the harddrive to my PC with an IDE to laptop harddrive adapter to format and write the Rockbox files?
I remember reading a thread about the scrambling or encoding of the binaries had to be redone in a flavor to support the Jukebox Recorder.
is the JBR V2 able to deal with a 100 Gig drive upgrade?
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