Rockbox Development > New Ports

Cowon D2

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A11A, thanks for your work!!  :)

I wonder if that one line hack in the NAND code is good enough to add upstream, since right now D2 builds are completely broken without it.

Also, I was messing around with espeak a bit and got this, so here's some Caribbean Stephen Hawking-esque voice files for my build too if wanted [english gb and us]:


--- Quote from: A11A on December 23, 2019, 05:41:28 AM ---I wonder if that one line hack in the NAND code is good enough to add upstream, since right now D2 builds are completely broken without it.
--- End quote ---

If I understand saratoga and Bilgus in that thread right (,51522.0.html) this should be commitable. Maybe the D2 will be a stable port then.

I'll test your buidl and will give feedback. Thank you!

By the way: is anyone interested in themes and flash skins for the D2/D2+? I gathered over 100 over the last years and I am happy to share them.


--- Quote from: cereal_killer on December 27, 2019, 06:37:40 PM ---Maybe the D2 will be a stable port then.

--- End quote ---
Definitely not, it would need proper write support and probably recording support too.
Right now it should technically be classified as an "unusable" port because it doesn't actually work out of the box at all, the tiny change to how NAND writes return would bump it back to an unstable build as it functions but lacks features.

--- Quote from: cereal_killer on December 27, 2019, 06:37:40 PM ---By the way: is anyone interested in themes and flash skins for the D2/D2+? I gathered over 100 over the last years and I am happy to share them.

--- End quote ---
Might be a good idea to archive those somewhere, perhaps using IPFS, I can walk you through setting up IPFS if you need help, just message me.

Shouldn't this code of "panic" solution be added to repository? In my opinion it is better to have at least normal working playback in future than have nothing.


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