I have a Toshiba Gigabeat (MEGF40). I got it last year around this time and have had zero issues with it until now. I use it to store pictures as well as music. Every so often I reformat it just keep it running smoothly. I use the software included to reformat because it doesn't delete the firmware it needs to run. Well I had a total brain fart today and reformatted it using the right click, select reformat option. Basically it cleared everything. According to the instructions, I should be able to replace the firmware by reinstalling the file GBSYSTEM from the installation CD. Lucky me, that file doesn't exist on the CD I have. So does anyone here have one of these animals? I went to Toshiba's website, and their site sucks as far as support goes. I started searching for a way to fix my issue and came across this site. I'd like to try out Rockbox, but can't do anything because it seems I am stuck until I get something reinstalled on this thing. So, where can I get the software to fix my problems? Thanks.