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Correct Configuration for Shortcut Menus


I am trying to use Shortcuts to open a bookmark.  I long press the Home key to show the Shorcuts menu.  If I use a directory for DATA, the first Select shows the files in the directory, the second Select goes out to the Main Menu with Now Playing selected.  On the third Select the file starts to play.

--- Code: ---[shortcut]
type: browse
data: /Podcasts/
--- End code ---

If I use a bmark file, the first Select opens the directory containing the bmark file. The second Select opens the bookmark file.  A third Select opens the Main Menu and a fourth Select opens the file but doesn't play it.  I then have to press Play to start playing the file.

--- Code: ---[shortcut]
type: browse
data: /Podcasts.bmark
--- End code ---

Is there a way to play a file in a bookmarked directory in one or two clicks after opening the Shorcuts menu?

Change to
type: file

Thanks!  Is there a list of types or other documentation on shortcuts?

When I open the bookmark file I see the list of available bookmarks in the folder and I have to press Select again to open the latest one.  Is there a way to open the latest bookmarked file with one click?


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